Providing Quality Treatment For Over 35 Years
We have been providing residential treatment for alcohol and drug dependency in England for over 35 years, We have a specialist team of Counsellors and Support Workers to give our clients the best chance of achieving and maintaining recovery.
We accept both private and funded clients and are equipped to provide care and treatment to those with alcohol or drug addiction issues, as well as addiction alongside mental health.
4 Week Detoxification And Treatment Package For Private Clients
We are currently offering a combined detoxification and treatment package for a reduced price for those who wish to attend Western Counselling as a private client, please contact us for more information

Our Treatment Programme
At Western Counselling we deliver a structured and proven treatment programme with an aim to equip our clients with the means to achieve and maintain total abstinence from all mood altering substances.
Our programme is designed to give clients the best chance to successfully re-integrate into society and live a fulfilling life, free from addiction.
Our Team
Our staff team combines a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of recovery to deliver a well led, proven treatment programme. We work together to deliver a structured, client focused range of treatment services to give our clients the best opportunity to succeed in their individual recoveries.
We employ a combination of specialised and qualified counsellors, certified and trained across a variety of relevant areas, with experienced support staff some of whom have personal experience in achieving recovery, as well as previous service users as recovery workers - resulting in a varied and diverse staffing team.
Dave & Tracy Mott
Registered Managers, Nominated Individuals

We both find it very rewarding when we see the change in others, We work with an excellent and diverse team and we believe that Western Counselling offers a unique approach to addiction treatment and recovery. Dave has been employed by Western Counselling since 2008, initially as a Counsellor, he is responsible for overseeing all aspects of daily service delivery.
Help To Heal
Throughout the year at Western Counselling we allocate a free place in treatment to somebody who desperately needs our help and is unable to arrange access to treatment themselves privately or via funding. If you meet this criteria and would like to be considered, please email tracy@westerncounselling.com detailing why you need our help and your aspirations for a life in recovery, Our staff team will then look at applicants and choose who to allocate the place to each time it is availible.