Help For Families

Family Support in Addiction


Western Counselling’s Family Program Can Help

If a family member is struggling with addiction click here. You can also visit our drug abuse, alcohol abuse or substance detox pages.

Addiction is a family issue. Families are often torn apart by the impact of living with an active addict and addiction can be the result of the faulty thinking patterns and behaviours learnt in a dysfunctional family of origin.

If you are a family member you will almost certainly be seeking answers of your own regarding addiction in your family. Why them? Why you? Why now? You may not have had the opportunity to talk with other people about your experiences and you might be feeling quite isolated and alone.

The information here will help you if you are living with active addiction, or if your loved one is currently in treatment.
Supporting families is central to our role as a treatment provider and we recognise that your needs as a family for advice, education and support will be unique.  We have devised a family programme that will help you start to come to terms with what has happened to you and your family and begin to move forward to a place of recovery. Find out more here.

Please do call to book a place on our next family programme or to gain confidential help and support.

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